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Triple-M Register
Midget, Magna and Magnette

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Completion of this form helps us to improve and maintain accurate records for our vehicle Register. We would ask that you fill out this form. When completed press SUBMIT. This e-mails the information to our Registrar and our Subscriptions Coordinator. Pressing SUBMIT also provides a button for accessing the PayPal page to enable you to make your payment.

This renewal must be sent no later than the 15th of the month following publication of your last edition to avoid a discontinuation in your supply of Bulletins. Your last edition will contain a renewal form as a reminder to renew your subscription.

Renewal form:
First Name*
Address line 1*
Address line 2
ZIP or area code*

MGCC membership number* If not a member write "None"
Affiliated club name

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Please enter the code you see above*

Vehicle details 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Triple-M number
Chassis number
Engine number
Registration number
*These fields are mandatory

© 2003 - 2024 MGCC Triple-M Register.