Good evening Kimberists, I have been asked to write an article about the Kimber Classic Trial for the Yearbook. It would greatly assist me in this task if those of you who competed/marshalled/spectated could dig into your memories and send me details of any thing that you remember that could be of use. I am thinking of amusing incidents, amazing performances, etc. I would also be grateful for photos. Thank you in advance, Alan Grassam 07866748871
Do you have access to The Sports Car? If not I will go through mine and see what was written up Prewar about what was then called the Kimber Trophy Trial.
David, Thank you for your kind offer. I already have the scant pre-war information in the Sports Car. What I am really looking for is details of happenings since 1988 when I resurrected the Kimber as a "one off" event. Ha Ha! The final one was last year when I ran it as a Touring Assembly. Happy MMMing, Alan