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 PA 0613 first owners: Dobb and Keen
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Colin McLachlan

United Kingdom
996 Posts

Posted - 20/03/2024 :  12:26:23  Show Profile
I'm doing some research on the early years of my PA, reg. MG3242. From the chassis files I have two guarantee claims made by Capt. Conway Dobb, the first just a few days after the guarantee was registered in April 1934. These are relatively minor, concerning the carburettor jets and the fuel pipe. They have come from University Motors at 105 Cheyne Walk (I think - poor handwriting) SW10.

There is a further attempted claim by Mr. H D Keen, of 36 London Road, Chelmsford, who apparently bought the car from University Motors of 80 Piccadilly, W1, on 23 February 1935. The claim was made by UM, and they were told by MG that it was not valid, as the guarantee had been issued on 17 April 1934, so the six months was up.

The puzzle for me arises from a letter I received from Joan Bradberry, whose husband bought this car from a dealer in 1937, and from whom I bought the car in 1989. She tells me that it had "only a few hundred miles on the clock", and had had only one previous owner when they bought it. There was a story about the car being bought new by a father for his son, but the son took ill and so it was sold again having hardly been used. Now, obviously this could be down to a somewhat dishonest dealer. It occurs to me however, that Capt. Dobb may have been an employee at UM, not the first owner as I had previously thought. Initial research online gives me a Captain George Conway Dobb, who committed suicide in London in 1939, and who apparently when invalided out of the army, "became a director of a motor company".

So, does anyone out there recognise either of these two names, and particularly in connection with University Motors?


Crail, Fife.
PA 0613
Register No. 2591
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