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 J2 Sidescreen Stowage
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United Kingdom
462 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2009 :  10:56:16  Show Profile
As a matter of possible interest, amongst the tattered and decayed remnants of hood,tonneau etc with my J2 on purchase was a curious item which I have now only just figured must have been for sidescreen stowage. It is a sort of envelope made from black "rexine" , 32" wide and 21" deep at outer edges angling up to the centre. These dimensions indicate that it must have been attached to the back of the seatback and the 2 top outer corners have 3" square pieces of leather stitched in as reinforcement at the attachment point. There are also 2 smaller pockets on the outside of this envelope--could this be for those triangular bits of hood that clip on behind the screens? Could this be an original feature? I have tried the sidescreens in these remains and they do fit.

Is this the standard arrangement anyway? Simon

Robin Hamblett

United Kingdom
536 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2009 :  11:23:01  Show Profile
When I had my trimming done, I had a bag made from left over material to accommodate both the side screens and rear quarter panels. It fits neatly behind the seat back and cross body brace and stops the screens from getting scratched.
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674 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2009 :  12:12:39  Show Profile
Simon, Almost certainly the original side-screen stowage. I have never seen one but have heard of them. I made my own version which consists of a a vynil pouch attached to the seat back and if the screens are placed with the long "legs" at each outer extremity of the pouch the screens will fit perfectly, the total heights of them just matches the height of the seat back. In my case I worked out the side-screen dimensions from contemporary photos and did not know about the bag/pouch at the time so it was a "fluke" that they fitted! I have not heard about the two small compartments, you are probably right but I have attached my triangular "in-fills" to the hood itself.
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United Kingdom
462 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2009 :  18:55:59  Show Profile
Thanks for that, it confirms my thoughts and have made a bag up to suit, it fits the seat back and the leather squares (original) are in contact with the seat back adjusters. The envelope needs a bit of "slack" to accomodate both screens! Simon.
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