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Moth eaten

954 Posts

Posted - 23/01/2019 :  22:14:02  Show Profile
Interesting photo of Ottos K3 taken at Fishermens Bend, a stretch
of track well used by Vintage and other motorcar and motorcycle enthusiasts.
I remember my father racing his 1929 38/250SSK Mercedes Benz
there, a fabulous sound with the blower howling.


Edited by - Moth eaten on 23/01/2019 22:15:03


United Kingdom
2658 Posts

Posted - 23/01/2019 :  23:05:05  Show Profile
Nigel, is that an aerodrome circuit? I seem to remember Fishermens Bend as the home of Commonwealth Aircraft, the builders of the Wirraway & Boomerang.

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Moth eaten

954 Posts

Posted - 25/01/2019 :  02:36:04  Show Profile
Yes it was an Aircraft factory, The Bristol Beaufighters were built
there, the Japanese called them 'The Whispering Death!'

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George Eagle

United Kingdom
3288 Posts

Posted - 25/01/2019 :  10:22:17  Show Profile
Thanks for posting the lovely photo of K3016

What happened to your father's Mercedes 38/250SSK? I guess that must be worth a very large sum in today's market?


Edited by - George Eagle on 25/01/2019 10:23:05
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72 Posts

Posted - 26/01/2019 :  11:06:59  Show Profile
Originally posted by George Eagle

Thanks for posting the lovely photo of K3016

What happened to your father's Mercedes 38/250SSK? I guess that must be worth a very large sum in today's market?


I wonder whether the 38/250 was the same one that was owned by Lex Davison. Lex purchased the Bira K3 in 1949 which was raced by John Barraclough & maintained by my uncle. I have an old photo of my uncle & Ron Uffindel with the K3 some where which I will post up when I find it.
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Moth eaten

954 Posts

Posted - 29/01/2019 :  02:19:39  Show Profile
My fathers Mercedes Benz 38/250SSK was sold to Jack Jefferies, a car dealer in Sydney. I saw the car come up for sale in Melb in Sothebys,
it was ruined by the restoration that was done and totally un necessary. My mother received correspondence from the last Australian owner, but we lost contact. I went to the Daimler Benz Museum in Stuttgart with a photo, they new nothing of the car.
It was passed in at 2.4 million at Sothebys.
It was our family car! I helped Dad paint it, he was a great , mechanical engineer. Sadly I was on the other side of Australia working. Eventually I returned to Melb. I wasn't in Melb. when Dad sold it. The last car Dad owned was a 1925 Twin Cam Sunbeam Super Sports, fantastic to drive! It was in the Olympia Show Room on display in 1925, with several other one off Sunbeam Twin Cams. I went to the Olympia for an Antique Fair. Its not the money that its important, but owning a time machine that's the biggest thrill.


Edited by - Moth eaten on 29/01/2019 02:38:25
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Moth eaten

954 Posts

Posted - 29/01/2019 :  02:23:25  Show Profile
No Lex Davidson did not own my fathers car.
Sadly I was at Albert Park races and witnessed Lex's fatal accident
I saw the car roll ontop of him.
It was a Green Cooper I think. It hit a straw bail, skidded and rolled.

Laurie Rofe had a big Merc.


Edited by - Moth eaten on 29/01/2019 02:36:12
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George Eagle

United Kingdom
3288 Posts

Posted - 29/01/2019 :  15:52:41  Show Profile
It would be interesting to see a picture of the Mercedes 38/250SSK - quite a monster of a car with a supercharged 7 lire engine?


Edited by - George Eagle on 29/01/2019 15:53:38
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72 Posts

Posted - 30/01/2019 :  10:27:52  Show Profile
Originally posted by Moth eaten

No Lex Davidson did not own my fathers car.
Sadly I was at Albert Park races and witnessed Lex's fatal accident
I saw the car roll ontop of him.
It was a Green Cooper I think. It hit a straw bail, skidded and rolled.

Laurie Rofe had a big Merc.


I thought Lex was killed at Sandown in 1965 driving the brabham climax.
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72 Posts

Posted - 30/01/2019 :  10:35:25  Show Profile

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Brian Kelly

526 Posts

Posted - 30/01/2019 :  22:51:31  Show Profile

And the "winner" is;

On 20 February 1965 Davison died in a crash during practice for the 1965 International 100[3] at Sandown International Raceway. While accelerating through the dog leg of the back straight in his 2.5L Brabham Climax he suffered a heart attack. The car left the road at over 160 km/h, hit a culvert, somersaulted and crashed through a horse railing fence. Davison sustained severe head injuries and was dead when officials reached him.

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Moth eaten

954 Posts

Posted - 31/01/2019 :  03:51:45  Show Profile
It was along time ago, however I never went to Sandown for the VSCCV events, I was sure it was Albert Park Lake.
I was on that cnr.
Thats my recollection, which I can't prove, maybe I am wrong, but that cnr and lanscape is not Sandown there were trees along the Rd.
Anyway I'll look into this further when I find the time.

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Moth eaten

954 Posts

Posted - 31/01/2019 :  03:58:30  Show Profile
Mercedes Benz 38/250SSK

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Moth eaten

954 Posts

Posted - 31/01/2019 :  09:24:32  Show Profile
I must be wrong on the location of the fatal crash.
Although he raced in AGP at Albert Park, it seems
that was not where he was killed according to the Google.
Obviously it was Moth Eaten 2, at Sandown!

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