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 Seeking information about a picture of an MG
 MG Type F Magna F0551 with license plate MG1465
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Robert R

320 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2020 :  18:50:01  Show Profile
I only found a few pictures on F0551.
May be added to the Registrar's Triple M Register.

Nice the pictures from the photo album Cathelijne, MG Magna F0551 registered license plate MG 1465.

Robert (F1164)


United Kingdom
1781 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2020 :  18:53:59  Show Profile
I stick my neck out... don't think the second photo with people poking out of the top is of an F Type....

2 reasons, no side mounted spare wheel and the bonnet alignment suggests the shorter bonnet of the D... In fact the roof is different too the front "hood of the F is not there... Is this an M?

Any thoughts?



Edited by - PeterL on 12/02/2020 18:55:27
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Robert R

320 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2020 :  18:57:35  Show Profile
Interesting the reserve wheel on the side of the Tourer 4-seater. Trunk opening backwards (similar to F Magna Salonette).

pictures from the photo album Cathelijne, F0551

Robert (F1164)
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United Kingdom
1781 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2020 :  21:14:02  Show Profile
Yes, F Type... University Motors Carlton Coupe...

I have only ever seen one photo before!

Thank you

But I don't think it is the same car as the one with the people standing...


Edited by - PeterL on 12/02/2020 21:17:37
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Mike the M

United Kingdom
483 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2020 :  21:24:14  Show Profile
In the first picture with the Austin on the left and the MG on the right, is not the registration of the MG - 'RX 7074' or something similar.
That is the same car, note 'AA' badge, as the car in the second picture, with the people out of the roof. A saloon!

Mike Dalby
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New Zealand
685 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2020 :  22:42:56  Show Profile
The saloon is probably this one, from the same series

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746 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2020 :  06:27:22  Show Profile
I’m in the process of asking the owner of the pics for a clearer view of the Coupé’s reg, Mike. Fingers crossed!

As an aside, Robert, they are hardly from the ‘Cathelijne albums’ ! Credit for finding them must go to Thijs de Groot who was actually triggered to do a Google search by Tom Metcalf of the sunny (probably snowy at the minute) shores of Lake Erie, Ohio, who - until the moment he reads this - will have been blissfully unaware of his role in this magnificent find!

The pics of two out of the five Triple-M M.G.s that could be allocated to chassis numbers have been added to the Register’s database. The other three will receive a so called U-number, U standing for Unidentified, securing the pics for future researchers.

Edited by - Cathelijne on 13/02/2020 06:28:31
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Robert R

320 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2020 :  06:59:12  Show Profile
Another picture from F0551 from the source of 'Cathelijne albums'!
It's very interesting and you can find a lot more vehicles.
Bristow family photo albums:

Robert (F1164)
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746 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2020 :  10:15:08  Show Profile
Two more, especially for Mike:

Both are captioned "Peter (Bristow) and John in 'Midget Motors'"
Looking at the swastika, they will have been embarking on/returning from their Europe tour as they did in those days.

From other captions and remembering the fact that they bought their cars at University Motors, we learn that the family called their cars 'Magnette Motors', 'Magna Motors' and 'Midget Motors'. F0551 is captioned 'Miss Brazil' in one of the pics as well as 'Magna Motors'.

The first pic of the Austin Seven and the Sportsman Coupé is captioned "The BAR, the GIT and Francis".
The side view pic of the Coupé is captioned "Wilfred's 1930 M.G.".
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Wiard Krook

16 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2020 :  21:29:10  Show Profile
F1 Magna University Foursome Drop-head Coupé

In 1972 I bought one of my first real MG books “The Magic of MG” by Mike Allison. In this book only one drawing (page 89) and captured: “The University Motors Folding-hood on an L-chassis – were any actually built, I wonder?”

Later in 1972 with MG-friends we recovered in the Netherlands a ‘special‘ pre-war MG as a ‘barn find’ (chassis no. F/0257 with the British registration GW 3897). It turned out to be the remains of a rare F1 Magna University Foursome Drop-head Coupé with coachwork by The Carlton Carriage Co. Ltd., Waldo Road, Willesden, London N.W. 10. Yes the car on the drawing in Mikes book was actually built although it is not an L type, but a F type MG.

Former Triple-M Librarian Nick Sands published his F-type article “The 12/70 F-type Magna” in the Triple-M Yearbook 1978. In spite of missing MG factory files his research included a (reconstructed) breakdown table of F type body types, mentioning the number of 81 University Coupes produced. Only a few have survived and are know to the Register.

The third photo is a retouched image of F/0257 (call it Photoshop avant le letre).

W. Krook
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