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 Seeking information about a picture of an MG
 APK 148
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United Kingdom
226 Posts

Posted - 29/03/2020 :  11:06:25  Show Profile
trying to sort through some old magazines prior to moving [now on hold]so even more time to look I came across this article in a 1988 edition of the Automobile.

George Eagle

United Kingdom
3275 Posts

Posted - 29/03/2020 :  13:05:10  Show Profile
The car is J3468 which was swept wing when new. It appears not to have survived.

Cat put these and other photos onto the file in December 1997. The car was obviously used in many competition events - one photo shows the being raced raced at Brooklands.

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United Kingdom
3691 Posts

Posted - 29/03/2020 :  13:08:41  Show Profile
Hello Terry,

Based on the Reg Mark this is J3468, a July 1933 swept wing J2, originally black with grey trim. The first recorded owner wef 1 September 1933 was A C Goodman of Camberley, Camberley being not so far from Brooklands.

Sadly the car has disappered without trace, leaving no record of any other owners.....

We have two further pics of this car, one showing it overturned during a high speed event when the car was being driven by Goodman with Mr. Heim. The other shows the car at an unspecified event, but CK and his family appear to be among the spectators!

Others more knowledgeable than me will be able to date these pictures!

Dick Morbey
PA-PB 0743
Frieth, Oxon, UK
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United Kingdom
234 Posts

Posted - 29/03/2020 :  14:19:33  Show Profile
Mr Albert Charles Goodman appears to have been a civil engineer and was living in Esher in 1939 according to the 1939 Register. Possibly serving or ex-military as there's a mention of him being a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, although he's also noted as being an ARP warden; invalided out? On 1930s electoral rolls he's in Mitcham. The Camberley address might indicate a military connection too. He was born in 1906 and married in Sweden in 1936. If Ancestry is correct then he was actually born in Perth, Western Australia with the surname Gütmann, but came here before 1911, when the family was living in Bournemouth. If that's correct then like so many others with German surnames he probably changed it during or after the Great War. Died 1983 in Thames Ditton.
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