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Ian Grace

United Kingdom
686 Posts

Posted - 16/02/2025 :  22:25:38  Show Profile
Here's a question I was asked today which I could not answer. Perhaps someone here can.

In essence, the question is - in the thirties, was it possible for private individuals to purchase driving chassis from the works, or were they only sold by Kimber, Morris, etc. to accredited coachbuilders, or exported to the same?

What does the team think?


77 Posts

Posted - 19/02/2025 :  12:25:45  Show Profile
Given the informality and lack of regulation, I would imagine this was possible. Other manufacturers were doing it at that time. Sounds like it would make a good research project and magazine article (hint hint)
And happy birthday!

Ken Klemmer
NAMMMR Communications
M1281, D0252
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26 Posts

Posted - 20/02/2025 :  03:10:49  Show Profile
As you have had only one response to you query I thought I'd add my two bob's worth. I think there was a great deal of formality in the operations of the Factory to maintain as smooth a flow as possible.

One of the procedures was for agents and sub agents to return the 'sales' card after completing it with the owner's name and signing it to put the guarantee into effect. If a chassis was collected from the Factory and delivered to a coach builder would that firm follow the same procedure after the car was completed and paid for?

If an individual collected a chassis they would have to own/have a tow car and trailer (or lorry) which was not a common item to own privately. (However, chassis were driven to Newport Pagnell to Salmons and Sons for Tickford bodies but that was a regular occurrence not a one-off.)

As an example, the F Magna Register records that 12 other UK coach builders besides Carbodies built bodies on F-Types. So, with that many coach builders around why would an individual go the the Factory for delivery of the chassis? Surely he would first choose a builder and agree on a body style and price and then that firm would arrange the delivery to their premises using their own trailer/lorry. It is my belief that although Jarvis (a subagent) built bodies on MGs they also supplied other coach builders with MG chassis. This is an indication that the Factory supplied through agents and sub agents rather than individuals.

So, in conclusion, I think it's unlikely that individuals collected chassis from the Factory but there's no certainty!!

As an aside, there were deliveries of complete MGs made from the Piccadilly premises of University Motors. Most, if not all, of these cars were later exported after being driven for a short period of time in the UK. I know of a P-Type (0799) and a Y Tourer as cases in point.

As always, I stand ready to be corrected by anyone with more detailed knowledge.

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Simon Johnston

United Kingdom
6472 Posts

Posted - 20/02/2025 :  06:54:24  Show Profile
Originally posted by Bathurst

One of the procedures was for agents and sub agents to return the 'sales' card after completing it with the owner's name and signing it to put the guarantee into effect. If a chassis was collected from the Factory and delivered to a coach builder would that firm follow the same procedure after the car was completed and paid for?

Surely this card was completed by the new owner and posted by him, or her, to M.G. and not by the sales agent. The chassis file for my car includes the following letter asking my father to return the guarantee claim card.

Simon J
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