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 Chassis number plates sold on eBay
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47 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2015 :  20:51:29  Show Profile
Two chassis number plates were sold on eBay tonight:
- NA 0731 (77gbp)
- J2136 (52gbp)

Both cars were scrapped many years ago.

Koen Struijk

Edited by - struijkck on 09/08/2015 20:52:40


United Kingdom
755 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2015 :  21:09:55  Show Profile
How do you know they were scrapped out of interest?
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Simon Johnston

United Kingdom
6403 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2015 :  21:44:26  Show Profile
Given the recent controversy betwen the DVLA and the Bugatti Owners Club over the issuing by the club of BC chassis numbers for new chassis frames which then were built up into what were in effect new cars for which age related registration numbers were obtained from DVLA, it might be worth the Registrar keeping copies of these pictures and associating them with the relevant chassis files. Perhaps a link could be provided to the eBay sale as I couldn't find it?

Also interesting to note evidence of the foot rest retaining bolt on the J2 plate!

Simon J
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sam christie

United Kingdom
3142 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2015 :  22:07:52  Show Profile
I had been wondering about these marks.

What does the foot rest look like?


Edited by - sam christie on 09/08/2015 22:09:05
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United Kingdom
928 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2015 :  22:10:36  Show Profile
J2136 has not been seen or heard of since Dec 1932 (as far as I know). A chassis plate does not make a car....... But - there may be more of it out there somewhere after all, some dealers had piles (literally) of bare chassis in the 70s, since "restored" to runners. Evidence would suggest that when some cars went to the scrapyard some owners unscrewed & kept the plates (sentimental reasons perhaps?). As always; a documented history is the key, then any buyer can make their own mind up.
However, thaks for spotting this Koen.


(Hoping that Type 35s will become affordable now (comp use only of course, because the FIA will accept anything as long as it looks the part).
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United Kingdom
868 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2015 :  22:34:45  Show Profile
Rest assured that if cars appear with these chassis numbers they will be carefully examined before the Register can recognise them.

Triple M Registrar

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United Kingdom
3 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2015 :  18:59:25  Show Profile
From the Ebay sellers notes at the bottom of the item.....

Given the amount of interest from the mmm register in determining whether this chassis is genuinely pa 0520 or not and given the negative comments made on mmm discussion forums, I have been advised by the registrar of the mmm register to put an explanation of why there are two 0520 pa chassis in existence. In order to dispel any suspicions whatsoever, I have scanned the letter from mmm register from 1996 to confirm the authenticity of this chassis.

I reserve the right to end this listing if I feel that the negative and adverse discussion of the veracity of this part has led to reluctance for buyers to bid to the full value of this item.

As already stated, this did not start out as pa 0520, as my history file show that the original chassis was rotten beyond repair. The replacement chassis had a knuckle with no identification numbers present (it may have been new or had the original chassis number ground off, I don't know which) and it is possible that once the then owner had the confirmation in writing from mmm register that this chassis could bear the number pa 0520, that the owner stamped the number themselves onto the blank knuckle. This may go to explain why so many people are concerned as to the font and composition of the number.

I bought the chassis in good faith from xxxxxx and was assured that the history file proved the provenance of this chassis and other parts that I have.

As I have already stated, anyone is welcome to view the chassis and the history file to satisfy themselves that all is in order.

To dispel another myth, the reason why I will only accept paypal is because it protects the buyer and the seller and I would rather pay those fees than find that I have been provided with counterfeit notes or the buyer suddenly changes their mind or messes me about after the auction has ended.

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George Eagle

United Kingdom
3275 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2015 :  18:00:06  Show Profile
Hi Graeme

Welcome to the Triple-M web site the source of all matters Triple-M.

You may not be aware we have a Yearbook, which can be bought via our Librarian, and also the Bulletin the subscription form for which can be found in the Document Download section of this web site.

I wonder what became of NA0731 and how the vendor came to acquire the two plates.

Hon Sec
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