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Triple-M Register News

02/12/2019 : A Statement by the Triple-M Register of the MG Car Club Ltd.   (218)
The committee of the Triple-M Register ('the Register') has been concerned to note various comments made on social media and in other areas about the purpose, function and operation of the Register. These comments indicate that these matters and the significance of inclusion of Triple-M cars in the Register's Listing of cars is not fully understood, or is being disregarded.

For the avoidance of doubt the Register makes the following statement:

1. The objectives and guidelines for the operation of the Register are set out in full on the Register's website and in the Register's Listing of cars, which is published annually;
2. The most recent Objectives and Guidelines were revised and approved by the Register committee on 1st December, 2017;
3. The Register Listing is a compilation of information kept for the Register's own purposes. It is maintained and published for general information. The inclusion of any car in the listing does not in any way signify or confer authenticity to that car;
4. Neither the Register, its committee, nor the MG Car Club Ltd. ('MGCC') accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information in the Register Listing;
5. The Register Listing has been compiled since the formation of the Register in 1961. The compilation of information is done by unpaid volunteer members of the MGCC. Information about listed cars is drawn largely from information provided by their owners, historically in most cases without detailed enquiry;
6. The Register now has a policy and practice of engagement with owners to ensure that all relevant information about a car may be recorded as reliably as reasonably possible for the benefit of current and future owners. Increasingly that means that the Register will ask owners to provide detailed images and information about their cars;
7. When a car is first accepted for inclusion in the Register Listing it is assigned a Register number. A function of that number is to 'date stamp' the car's inclusion in the Register Listing. It does not signify an endorsement of the car's identity or authenticity, its history or provenance;
8. Private and trade sellers and auctioneers of cars have on occasions mistakenly advertised cars for sale on the basis that they 'are listed on the Register and are thus 'authenticated' by the Register'. Statements such as "MGCC MMM Register No. confirming its authenticity" are commonplace. Such statements misrepresent the situation;
9. At no time does the inclusion of a car in, or its exclusion from the Register Listing, or the possession or lack of a Register Number, signify an endorsement of the car's identity or authenticity, its history or provenance or lack thereof;
10. All would-be purchasers of a Triple-M car and/or those wishing to deal in them are therefore strongly advised to make their own enquiries about the car before entering into a commitment for purchase or sale;
11. The Register Committee's general policy is that it will not comment publicly about the registration details of any particular car;
12. Any owner of a listed Triple-M car may discuss the classification of their car with the Committee;
13. Interested parties may contact the Register committee for guidance about this statement and its practical implications.

This statement was approved by the Committee of the MGCC Triple-M Register on 1st December, 2019


10/10/2014 : Factory Photographs Gallery   (188)
Triple-M Register Factory Photographs Gallery.

The Register team has been busy creating digital images of period Factory photographs contained in the Register’s archives. These contain a wealth of information about the original assembly and finish details of our cars. We’re happy to announce that we have now teamed up with a supplier, Photobox which means that you can now view and buy high quality prints of these photographs on-line via the Register Library at a reasonable cost.

Altogether over 350 images are available and they can be viewed and purchased via the on-line Register Library at http://www.triple-mshop.org or by visiting the Gallery at: http://www.photoboxgallery.com/triplemgallery

The images are arranged by model types and there are additional sections, one showing Competition Cars and the other, ‘Other Photos', showing pictures of cars in production at the Works, some vintage models, experimental cars etc.

Some of the original photos are non-standard sizes, so during the order process you will be able to check and adjust the fit of your chosen image within your requested print size. We have a number of print sizes available from 6”x4” up to 12” x 8”. Several interesting products are also available, at this stage including coasters and mouse mats on offer. Other items of regalia may be available at a future stage.

Purchase, production, shipping and any queries will be handled directly by Photobox and not the Triple-M Register. However if you do have any general questions or feedback Mark Dolton can be contacted via email at: Triplemgallery@gmail.com

This project has taken a while to finalise and thanks are due to Robin Hamblett for many hours spent scanning and optimising the original photographs and to Mark Dolton who has been instrumental in launching this on-line facility. We hope that owners will find the facility useful and will support it by purchasing some of these invaluable images.

27/06/2003 : Welcome to the Triple-M website!   (3)
Please browse these pages, digest the information, give us your comments, and most important of all, send us items that you think will be of interest to other Triple-M owners. Remember this is your site.

This News Page will let you know of important changes or updates to the site as well as highlighting news of other Triple-M activity.

Tell us of events in your area which you think would attract Triple-M owners. Send us the details, including organisers contact details, and we will add them to the Events Page. And don’t forget a few lines for the Event Reports Page, to tell others what happened or remind people what they missed!

If you have any Triple-M related pictures you would like to share with other Triple-M owners just send them to us and we will fill a library that others can enjoy. Include the approximate date taken (the library is structured in Monthly blocks) and a brief description. If you already have a web site that stores photos you have taken and you would like to share them with a wider audience, advise our Webmaster and a direct link can be arranged.

The latest Car Of The Year, Speed Championship and Slade Trophy tables are listed along with the Rules for each competition. You can send your COTY claims to the Competition Secretary by e-mail or post.

A Retro page is included which will reproduce a selected number of old MG Magazine articles.

Register your Triple-M car, or update the details we hold on your Triple-M car by using our on-line service. Updates will be sent direct to our Registrar.

If there is a topic, technical or otherwise, you wish to discuss with a wider audience, check out the Forum page. You can view the content of any Forum but you will have to Register and Login to add to the discussion or raise your own topic. Registration is simple but essential. Please follow the instructions from the relevant pull-down menus. The area is under the overall control of the Webmaster. Please do not add inappropriate or offensive comment which, in any case, is liable to be removed and may result in your Registration being withdrawn.

If you want to buy or sell a Triple-M car please use this site, it's free. Supply a description of your car and an optional photograph. Please indicate if the picture is not of the actual car for sale and, most important, please indicate if it is a private or trade sale.

It's now up to you! Please help to keep this site topical, it is for your benefit. Don't delay, do it NOW!

3  records found

© 2003 - 2025 MGCC Triple-M Register.