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 Seeking information about a picture of an MG
 1929 Midget Special PG 993
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United Kingdom
64 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2016 :  08:43:50  Show Profile
This LAT sourced image extract(taken from plate ref: B7289)was captured at the 1931 running of the MCC Sporting Trial and shows a 1929 Surrey registered enclosed Midget with what is clearly not a standard Sportsman's Coupe body. Cowbourne tells us that it was driven by W.W. Whitnall. Has anyone seen other images of this car or know of its origins or history?
Edited to add: I have just seen an earlier thread on this car - my apologies However the mystery remains as to its origins. Could it be another example of this series of prototype Coupes as pictured in the lower image?


Edited by - semisport on 10/04/2016 09:16:19

Mike the M

United Kingdom
483 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2016 :  12:36:29  Show Profile
Another super picture of the car, may be an earlier picture as no "spinners" on the wheels or mascot on the radiator.
The suage (is that the correct spelling) line down the side of the body from the bonnet look as though it has been professionally made, and is similar to one on the early 2 seater driven by Cyril Fulford Dobson and his wife Betty, I think, coming back from the 1929 Lands End.
I wish we could seen the number, but I think it is WL 6070.
the photo was from the family album!

Mike Dalby
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Blue M

United Kingdom
1477 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2016 :  15:45:18  Show Profile
The sidelamps have been fitted centrally on the bead using what looks like a shaped spacer.

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Mike the M

United Kingdom
483 Posts

Posted - 13/04/2016 :  20:10:59  Show Profile
Doing some more digging on the saloon, it may have been trialing more often!
W. W. Whitnall was in an Midget in the 1931 Exeter, but was a non starter. In 1931 in both the Lands End and the Edinburgh he won Premier awards. Also the Colmore Trial he won a Premier award in a Midget in both 1931 & 32! Were these in the saloon?
Later in 1932 he turned his attentions in the Exeter to a Morris Minor but in the Edinburgh to a 3 Wheeler Morgan. For the rest of 1932 he trialed the Minor
For 1933 and 1934 he used a Morris Minor with varying degrees of success, just missing a Triple in both 1932 and 1933. It is unknown if it was the same car all the time.
Interesting what pictures tell!
I will keep you up to date.

Mike Dalby
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Mike the M

United Kingdom
483 Posts

Posted - 20/04/2016 :  18:27:14  Show Profile
The details of the car at the Kithead Trust gave little more information on the car!
"I have now had a chance to look at our index card for PG 993. Surrey index cards are notoriously unhelpful and this is no exception. It is recorded as an M.G. two-seater and the only info. is that it passed from an owner in Liverpool to one in Wallasey in February 1939. Nothing more."
If no one can find it in Wallasey then it must have gone into a Spitfire!

Mike Dalby
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