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 Seeking information about a picture of an MG
 NB in 1968
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United Kingdom
273 Posts

Posted - 30/07/2016 :  16:25:53  Show Profile
This is a photo of my NB 4 seater taken in 1968 when it was purchased from Richardsons of Staines by Cees Roeleveld who took it to Holland until 2009.I don't suppose anyone will recognise the car but is anything known about Richardsons and what happened to their records? Cees got no documentation from them when he bought the car. Is there anyone known and still alive who used to work for Richardsons?
The twin petrol fillers are said to be due to the car being owned at some time by Shell and used for petrol testing. Any clues there?

D P Allen

George Eagle

United Kingdom
3275 Posts

Posted - 30/07/2016 :  18:28:22  Show Profile
S H Richardson's were originally operating from Moore Lane, Staines, and advertised extensively in Motor Sport. They had a large stock of used spares and lots of Triple-M cars ranging in condition from good to driveable to wrecks. I bought my first PA from them for £50 in 1959/60, I had a choice of about 10 P types! I always went to Richardsons for any spares

Subsequently the business closed and all stock etc was sold off, I do not know the date. The buildings are still there and can be seen from the M25 Motorway.

The topic was discussed previously on this site and must be in the Archives?

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3304 Posts

Posted - 31/07/2016 :  00:19:53  Show Profile
I visited Richardson's during 1984 - 1985 when I was restoring my J2. There were very few cars left, but I was invited to walk through the bone yard to see if there was anything I could use. There were still piles of parts in no particular order, and even some things lying on the ground half buried in mud. But I did come away with a very good pair of rear axle bearing housings for the princely sum of £5.

Lew Palmer
PA1169, PB0560
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Colin McLachlan

United Kingdom
996 Posts

Posted - 31/07/2016 :  09:13:19  Show Profile
Is there a V8 hiding under the bonnet?


Markinch, Fife.
PA 0613
Register No. 2591
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United Kingdom
3691 Posts

Posted - 31/07/2016 :  12:12:42  Show Profile
Hello David,

According to the Register database this car was a Works demonstrator

It appears that my previous posting was incorrect as this car was not in fact a works demonstrator. The comment may be correct in relation to a different N-type, which the Register in in the process of investigating.

Apologies for any unwanted excitement!

Dick Morbey
PA/PB 0743
Frieth, Oxon, UK

Edited by - DickMorbey on 31/07/2016 19:59:45
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United Kingdom
384 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2016 :  11:07:26  Show Profile
Dear Forum:

Thank-you again for a interesting photo and thread.
A couple of points.
What is known of cars history in the Netherlands?
The Shell connection; if fact some details please.
Can't remember another example.
Two fuel caps/tanks? With Two exhausts just for added interest.
Great thread do not stop now.
All the best.

John Bakewell

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Gerhard Maier

899 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2016 :  15:43:32  Show Profile
If this car is NA0793 it could be possibly a confusion with NA0794 which indeed was an ex-works demonstrator car.
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United Kingdom
273 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2016 :  21:43:04  Show Profile
Many thanks for the comments so far. I can answer some of the questions:
1. The V8 under the bonnet was apparently a pair of gas pipes fitted for effect; common practice in the go-faster 1950s and 60s?
2. The two petrol fillers feed into one tank which has dividers but no actual separate compartment. Perhaps if it was a Shell car they returned the tank to a single configuration when they sold the car on.
Maybe Cees Roeleveld can fill in more details about the car in Holland. So far he has answered all my questions about details of the car but has not given me any overall information.
Yes it is 0793 and was owned in UK from 2009 to 2015 when I bought it by Max Cowap; also a MMM member.

D P Allen
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