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Peter Scott

United Kingdom
1240 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2011 :  19:57:41  Show Profile
Phil has done an excellent job in editing/producing the Bulletin and it will be disappointing to see it go. However times move on and the web-site has been developed by Nick to provide an excellent inforamtion source with 'instant' delivery. So in my opinion the web site could take over the role played by the bulletin.

If this is what the members vote for and the committee decides then we would need to consider what features we should add to the web site so that it may replace the Bulletin.

You have done a fantastic job over the past ten years, Phil. Time for a well earned rest.



United Kingdom
868 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2011 :  20:09:37  Show Profile
I agree with you Peter - I have done some of these tasks in the past and they can take over your life!

If the website's role is increased, it seems likely that Nick will need some form of support, as I am sure it is taking up enough time already. May be an opportunity for some of you aspiring writers to dip your toes in before going on the greater things...

Phil was one of the first on the Register to help me out (getting ignition and carburation right on the P) when I joined way back, so thanks Phil, how you do it AND keep all those cars running defeats me!


Edited by - MaGic_GV on 09/06/2011 20:33:40
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505 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2011 :  21:18:07  Show Profile
Hi Group,

Hats off to Philip for the ten year stint collecting, editing, improving, and producing a fine publication. The right guy at the right time.

While it's difficult to argue that the excellent website has most likely taken over the role of the newsletter and is probably better in every single way imaginable, I still look forward to each Bulletin issue in the mail (post). When it arrives my world stops for a while while I catch up on things my UK friends and not-yet-friends are up to.

Just this Yanks 2p worth and looking forward to seeing y'all in a few weeks!

tommm in hot, humid, sunny Ohio
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3243 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2011 :  22:55:50  Show Profile
I second Tommm's feelings. I look forward to the envelope containing the Bulletin. Besides, it's hard to read the website while perched upon the "throne". <grin>

Lew Palmer
Registrar, NAMMMR
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United Kingdom
2538 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2011 :  23:33:31  Show Profile
Lap top & wireless Lew??

Not only has Philip run The Bulletin all these years but, back in history we had Infoletter &, I seem to recall, a previous Bulletin; & that's not to mention CK Spares. Did he not also edit the Yearbook in the dim mists of time?

I see the Duke of Edinburgh is starting to get rid of some his commitments & I think Phil, although he's a few years older than you, you've more than earned the right to join him.

Very many thanks,

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411 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2011 :  03:02:14  Show Profile
I too look forward to receiving the Bulletin. I actually got my M type through it. I hope it continues. Holding and reading something solid is still a joy the internet can not replace. Thanks Phil

Mike L
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Nick Feakes

3372 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2011 :  08:33:53  Show Profile
Please make sure you vote on this subject. You can use the on line form in the sticky topic at the top of this forum
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United Kingdom
1129 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2011 :  10:43:21  Show Profile
Hi All,

I had a long look at taking over the Bulletin from Philip and have had numerous conversations with him. I felt it was too much for me to take on at this time, I also dont have the knowledge and contacts that Philip has built over the years. I personally really enjoy the paper Bulletin but I m also an avid fan of the internet and mobile devices, having worked in this space for all of my career to date.

This website is fantastic and has huge potenital and I d be more than happy to help in any way.

But I can also see the love for the paper copy but we can still suppliment that with the year book or potenitally a newsletter type edition? Focusing on up and coming dates and a few news stories.

I guess the core issue is if we cannot find a replacement for the wonderful work Philip has done we need an alternative. The web certainly offers a more editable and interactive method, For someone like myself to help contribute to content and updates ongoing rather than in one massive publishing effort every few months.

We could certainly cut and paste many of the forum entries and use as wonderful articles, people seem happier to write here then they do for the bulletin!!!

However regardless of what route we take I look forward to contributing to articles and reading about our great cars. I m on a steep learning curve thats exceptionally enjoyable and this type of information is a real gem for the next generation of Triple M owners!

Mark Dolton

Edited by - Dolts on 10/06/2011 10:45:17
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United Kingdom
2538 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2011 :  18:00:42  Show Profile
I have just voted, reluctantly, that we don't need the Bulletin anymore. I agree so much with those who have said that, when it drops through the door, I drop everything & read it so again, thank you so much Phil for producing it for so long.

In the end, if I am not willing to take it over, & no one else is I cannot complain. I do feel that I am letting Phil down, but no more than anyone else who would like it to continue, without personal effort.

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United Kingdom
833 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2011 :  20:31:28  Show Profile
I have just registered for the bulliten a few months ago. I think it's great. And this site is really good too. The problem is I believe over 50% of mmm owners don't even have a computer or know how to use one. My dad can't even switch one on, so can't most of his mmm friends.A lot of people who get the bulliten won't get to vote because they don't have computer. If we doubled the suscription fee that might get somone to take it over. It must take a lot time to do. Phil has done a great job and I have missed out over the last ten years by not having it.
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744 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2011 :  22:19:33  Show Profile

How about replacing it with a bi-monthly or quarterly Newsletter(think D Group style) as 'we' had in the old days? I suppose the content wouldn't need to be as extensive as we are used to with the current Bulletin format: A few pages with short news items, some event results, dates for future events, technical tips and hints if submitted, restoration reports, a few pictures and such would perhaps suffice. To this end individuals could get in touch with the Editor if -for instance- they have finished assembly of their car, have started a rebuild, have a professional to recommend, or whatever else they like sharing. The Editor would then 'only' have to assemble the lot and make up a pdf file. This could then be made available through this website/mailing list for reading and/or printing or printed and posted to those without computer access.
If -and there's a good chance this'll happen- no info finds its way to the Editor, we could try and find 'Deputy Editors' representing topographic areas, who could assemble the news bits through a few phone calls or emails to the people in their area every period and send them on to the Editor.
How about it, Mark?

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John Reid

United Kingdom
704 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2011 :  00:54:07  Show Profile

"The problem is I believe over 50% of mmm owners don't even have a computer or know how to use one." Really?

Evidence please, apart from the sample of you and your dad/friends which I guess does support your statement!

John R
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170 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2011 :  02:55:21  Show Profile
In early May, I had the good fortune to stop over the night with Nick and his charming lady, in their gorgeous home on the St. Mary's River in Florida. I also admired the wonderful progress he's been making on his PA.

If you have visions of this web-site being run from a big server - think again! Being a retired computer engineer, I was appaled to SEE that this entire web-site and forum, is run from an old and tired laptop sitting on Nick's living room table. Probably had the odd beer splashed over it in its days!

What Nick has done with impossibly inadequate hardware, is truly amazing. What's more, Nick had taught himself to program in HTML. His career was a BOAC/BA pilot and not a computer programmer, and at the risk of causing him to blush, I want others to know what a swell (there's an oldie!) job he is doing.

However as I suggested to him at the time, I believe its time the Register pony-up for a new desktop. $600 would buy him a good box. Let him buy what he wants including a new O/S and a battery B/U, if that's in the cards. When I looked at that paltry laptop and realised that it is serving world-wide communications, I was, to say the least, awed.

A new computer will also address the needs discussed in this forum topic. Don't we think its time to show our gratitude to Nick?

If it takes some initiative to get things moving, I would be happy to throw a few qiud into the old oat bag, and hope that others on both sides of the pond, follow suit.

I expect to see Nick next week in Reno at the MG2011 All-Register event, and I trust that by then, the response will have been excessive!

Gord Clark #392
Rockburn, Qué.

Edited by - gordclark on 11/06/2011 03:00:55
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505 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2011 :  04:21:36  Show Profile
Well, Gord, I expect to see you & Nick at our Triple-m Register night, otherwise known as the Fabulous Bibulous Gallimaufry, where there's gonna be a full kegga Bass awaiting us lucky dudes Tuesday night.

See you there ! The beer's on me ! tommm on Lake Erie
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Nick Feakes

3372 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2011 :  08:01:03  Show Profile
Thank you for the kind words but you are not quite correct about the server for the website. It is hosted on a server in the UK. I did not set up the site originally, the Register paid to have that done. The forum itself is a professionally written piece of software (but it is free) and can be configured to a certain extent to meet the needs of the user, the rest of the software was specifically developed for us. I do maintain the site wherever possible and I am learning to program new additions as I go along. I have created a dummy server on this laptop where I can try out software before uploading it to our server and I think that may be what you were thinking of.
Having said all that, it is perfectly possible to do as you suggest and host our own website on our own server, I would have to do some research as to the costs involved. I have requested more storage space and bandwidth and provided it is not too expensive that will create the possibility of some additions to the site.
We leave France for Reno on the 14th and I hope to meet as many of you as possible there.
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John James

United Kingdom
963 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2011 :  12:01:37  Show Profile
I was the Editor of the Octagon Car Club 'Bulletin' from 1997 to 2002 and produced 48 issues.

In late 2003, I formed the view that the MG Car Club was not catering adequately for T-Type owners and started a bi-monthly publication known as 'Totally T-Type' (commonly referred to as TTT) which was essentially a technical publication. I edited and produced 37 issues from January 2004 to January 2010.

Following a spell of disillusionment with the MG Car Club I did not renew my membership when it became due for renewal on 1st February 2010. At the time, although I was willing to carry on with TTT, I was told that as a non MGCC member, I couldn't.

After a period of reflection I decided in July 2010 to start up my own bi-monthly publication known as 'Totally T-Type 2" (TTT 2) and my own independent website

From the outset, I wanted TTT 2 to be a web-based publication and to be totally free. However, I recognised that a minority of T-Type owners either did not have Internet access, or if they did, they did not want to use it, so I arranged for a limited number of 'hard' copies to be digitally printed (at enormous expense!)

I am now in the middle of producing Issue 7 (August) of TTT 2 and from a standing start I have nearly 1300 web based 'subscribers' who can access TTT 2 totally free of charge. As far as I can tell, most of the former TTT subscribers migrated to me, as did virtually all the contributors, so much so that the former TTT has ceased publication to be replaced by a quarterly newsletter known as 'T Register News'.

When I was editing and producing TTT I used to send out around 550 'hard' copies. When the decision was taken to include it on the 'T' Register website and to charge for downloading (not my decision) I estimate that around 250 T-Typers subscribed, so total TTT readership was around 800.

As previously stated I have around 1300 TTT 2 Internet subscribers; I also have 40 'hard' copy subscribers. Again, as previously stated, the 'hard' copies are very expensive and for six issues I have to ask a subscription rate of £25 (UK), £30 (EU) and £35 (Rest of World). Even at these rates the magazine does not quite 'wipe its face' and I partly subsidise it.

The 'hard' copies would quite easily pay their way if I took paid advertising but my current stance is that I am not prepared to do this on principle.

I should also mention that I have had several donations to help with expenses for my website (including a couple for £100) and also donations from 'subscribers' who are just grateful for the opportunity to have access to an on-line magazine and feel that they ought to contribute towards it. Although I have a healthy "donations balance" I do not cross-subsidise for the 'hard' copies.

So, rather a long story to get to my point, which is that from my experience, the overwhelming majority of T-Type owners are prepared to accept a web-based magazine. I can't really imagine that Triple-M owners are all that different.

Finally, I make this offer to Nick on behalf of my son (Stephen) who is an IT professional and has done work for the V8 Register (he wrote and maintains their 'Grapevine' system). If the Triple-M site needs any changes or new sections which require programming, Steve will take this on at a fraction of the market place cost.

JOHN JAMES (J3656, PB0722, TC0750)



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