Perhaps this copy has been shown previously however. is this an artist's stretch of imagination or was there actually a MMM with this style of body? Specialized Coach builder?
Good morning Brian, It seems to have started life as an F1 Magna. The engine, radiator and 8" brakes are the correct type for an F1.Also the bonnet and catches. The windscreen is like a Morris 8 and the fuel tank J2/3 F2 with top of tank fittings..... as for the rest? It could have been a cut down F Salonette...lots suffered transformations as a result of body "failure". Cycle wings, "dexion" bulkhead brackets and the battery at the front........with the earth going to the bulkhead support!!!!!..... looks like a home built job. Wonder what happened to make it necessary to repair the tank at the top?.... just had to repair the top of the C-type tank but that another story. FOZ
He is holding a soldering iron with another being heated by the blow lamp, as said brave man!!! My father built many a model using irons like this (I still have them) but never in the presence of a fuel tank.
There is a rather more accurate vision of a PA in Saturday's Telegraph. The article was about caring for your classic car, but it amounted to a treatise on polishing...